Earlier this Wednesday I recorded a guitar cover of John Mayer's Neon. My mic sucked badly that's why the track sounds grainy. I was trying to record my voice but it was so horrible, and the mic makes it much worst.

We also joined the annual 'Alay Lakad' that is held every Holy Thursday. It is some kind of tradition in the Philippines where people does sacrifices during the holy week. In Alay Lakad people would walk crazy miles just to go to a church and give their donations. The walk was crazy. It took us 7hours of walking to get to our destination. That's so long! This was my third year joining this event so eventually my feet didn't hurt as much as it was when I first joined. The first time I did the Alay Lakad, I had to crawl for a week cause my feet hurt so bad. Honestly my first Alay Lakad was the best because I wasn't familiar with the places and I never expected how long we would be walking just to get to our destination. We got home at 7am the next day. Good thing transportation was easy.

After we got home, I didn't feel sleepy and exhausted so I played digimon for a while. They held this event where you'll rent an Impmon(this shit is rare) and an Agumon X(another rare shit) that you have to train for a week and get it to level 61 and it'll be yours forever. Levelling is really hard because my internet is damn slow and the experience is just so slow. I would spend an hour just to get a level and I'm already on 200% experience boost (meaning the experience points I earn is doubled)

So this here is my Impmon from yesterday. I had to level it up like crazy cause it's, I think, worth 1.9k We Cash (about $19) So to get it free I have to work hard for it. It was actually a good thing cause levelling is boring if you're just levelling for nothing. My mind is set like 'I should be levelling up cause I'll get this shit for free' and it didn't just gave me a lvl 53 Beelzemon but also a level 55 Metal Garurumon. I spent 10 hours for 2 days over this shit.

My dad and I went to the grocery to buy the ingredients that I'd be using for cooking my favorite lasagna. Hopefully it would still be my favorite after I cook it. It really feels good to shop when my mom isn't around. No one's telling me what to and not to buy. I also bought my very first 500gram Trolli Sour Worms. I never bought that much of gummy worms in my life cause I always buy on corner candy shops that only sells 100grams of candy. And those 35gram packs of candies in the grocery. So I took a picture of it so I could remember it for lifezz.

My bestfriend also asked me what hairstyle would look good on her. I really don't know cause I thought she's already pretty the way she is. Her sister used her pc for a while so I took the time to edit photos of her with the hairstyles she showed me. Hopefully she doesn't find out about this cause I bet she'll kill me if she found out that I was blogging her photo on the interwebs. LOLOLOL.
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