Today was my Mom and Dad's 20th anniversary and we celebrated it at MoA. We ate at this restaurant called Racks. It's a grill restaurant and I really loved their Beef Ribs. It's easy to eat and it's so juicy and tasty. I'm really not that great to describe food but that restaurant was awesome. I liked their spagh but I think my own pasta is better than theirs. Anyway, I didn't liked the chicken much but the gravy was amazing. And the gravy fries. The mashed potatoes were great too. The salad's ok, I liked their dressing, and I don't even eat salad. Their java rice was great too. And that bread where you put honey. I forgot what it's called. It was ok too. But really, their beef ribs was superb. It was a heavenly dinner. Too bad I wasn't able to take a photo of the food cause I forgot my camera at home so I wasn't able to take photos of the day.
My parents also decided to bring our dogs to the mall. They had to buy a diaper for this one cause it shitted 3 times at the mall and her poop was wet so it's hard to clean it up. It was funny, really, when she wore that diaper. She walked liked a duck. Speaking of duck, there's this awesome duck toy in the pet shop we went to and I really want to buy it. Not for the dog, but for me. Maan, I've become obsessed with ducks.
While strolling around the mall I saw huge "SALE" signs at the book store. I went inside immediately and my mom said my sister and I could only buy one book each. Then I persuaded my dad to buy me another one so he also bought my sister another one for her. So I'll be reading this before summer ends cause I still have 3 more books waiting and I'm only halfway through Deathly Hallows. And I can't wait for the release of the Paperback print of The Necromancer cause I've been waiting for it for half a year already. So I'm gonna wait another year for the release of the paperback print of The Warlock, whose hardbound copy is gonna be released early this May.
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